AC servo direct twin drive Punch / Laser combination machine

EML AJe series is a High-speed Punch/Fiber Laser combination machine that is now equipped with a new punch and die changer (PDC).

Based on the best-selling ‘’EML’’ combination machine, Amada presents the EML-AJ series with fiber laser technology and a higher punching hit rate.

The automatic punch die changer was upgraded to work with the Tool ID system while the laser is processing.

The EML-AJ provided continuous operation at high speeds with low running costs.


    Highly productivity, Low Running cost, and processing of highly reflective materials

    • Fiber Laser Oscillator: AJ-3000 [Processing speed is 2.5~4.0 times faster than a CO2 laser]
    • Reduce maintenance cost
    • Outstanding safety and workability
    • Process highly reflective materials

    High speed and High quality punching process

    • Achieve higher speed punching
    • P&F (option); High height up-forming prevents material scratching
    • MPT Tapping station
    • Tool ID system

    Solution for continuous operation

    • Automatic Tool Changing device (PDC)
      • Tool changing during laser processing
      • Long-Hour continues operation
      • Number of tools – Punch 200/ Die 440
    • TK Automated Solution
    • Automatic Nozzle Changer
    • Automatic laser scrap removal
    • Automatic cutting plate cleaning

    Easy Operation

    • AMNC 3i
    • V-monitor (option)

Machine Specifications

Model names (Note the points listed below)EMLZ12AJPEEMLZ15AJPEEMLZ12AJEEMLZ15AJE
Punch - Press capacitykN300
Punch - Drive SystemAC servo, Direct twin drive
Punch - TurretZ turret
Movement method - During punch processingX-axis / Y-axis material movement
Movement method - During laser processingX-axis material movement Y-axis light movement
Processing range - Punch processing2550 × 12703050 × 15252550 × 12703050 × 1525
Processing range - X × YP (mm)
Processing range - Laser processing2550 × 12703050 × 15252550 × 12703050 × 1525
Processing range - X × YL (mm)(with replacement)(with replacement)
Processing range - Composite machining2550 × 12703050 × 15252550 × 12703050 × 1525
Processing range - X × Y (mm)(with replacement)(with replacement)
Rapid traverse speedX / YP / YL / Z (m/min)100/80/100/80
Machining accuracy (mm)±0.07 (our punching pattern)
Maximum work mass (kg)75 (F1)/150 (F4)75 (F1)/150 (F4)/220 (FA+F4)75 (F1)/150 (F4)75 (F1)/150 (F4)/220 (FA+F4)
Work shooter size X × Y (mm)400 × 1270400 × 1525400 × 1270400 × 1525
Number of PDC molds in operation220 stations
Maximum punch frequency (X-axis) (min⁻¹)500 (25.4mm pitch/5mm stroke)
Maximum punch frequency (Y-axis) (min⁻¹)340 (25.4mm pitch/5mm stroke)
Machine mass (including oscillator) (kg)27500290002400025500
Power receiving capacity (machine body + dust collector) (kVA)44443636


Oscillation MethodLaser diode pumped fiber laser
Rated PowerW3000
Pulse Peak PowerW3000
MasskgAppx. 400
Power receiving capacitykVA10.4
Chiller Power requirementkVA9


mold sizeZ Turret - 53ST2AI-4MPT
A ½ ̎ 30(30)
B1 ¼ ̎10(10)
C2 ̎3(3)
D3 ½ ̎ 2(2)
E4 ½ ̎ 2(2)
B(TAP)1 ¼ ̎4(4)
GAI (1 ¼ ̎)2(2)


PDCMold sizeNumber
Upper row½"120(120)
Lower tier1¼"20(20)
3½""Total 8(8)